
Manchester Medicine Interview

Manchester Medicine Interview

Pippa Morris
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2023 Manchester Medicine Interviews


The Manchester medicine interview is a five-station multiple mini interview (MMI), with each station being marked by a separate examiner. Each station will last for eight minutes, with a two-minute gap between the stations.


Interviews will take place online via Zoom or on campus, depending on personal preference. Dates and times are given on a first come, first served basis.


Questions will have a non-academic focus and there will be no reading or writing components. You will be asked about your work experience, motivation for the profession and personal qualities and attributes.

What Interview Questions to Expect

Manchester medical school strongly focuses on non-academic skills, as all students invited to interview will have suitable academic qualities. Interviewers will expect applicants to express their ideas clearly and follow a reasoned argument. Manchester encourages students to be themselves and speak naturally, and conversationally. Take your non-verbal communication skills into consideration, and ensure not to over-rehearse any answers.

You should expect to be asked why you want to be a doctor. You will be asked to discuss your preparation for the career, including your relevant work experience and wider exploration of the field of medicine. Make sure you are reflective on your experiences so far and demonstrate how this has solidified your passion to pursue a career in the healthcare setting. You will be asked to discuss evidence of having a caring role, discussing your emotional response and what you learnt from this.

Students are expected to have background knowledge of the world of medicine, particularly issues at the forefront of media interest. You may be asked to give a viewpoint on a number of ethical questions, but be mindful that examiners are not looking for a specific answer here. Think about the possible scenarios which might be discussed and think about how you will answer questions based on these. Examples of common ethical questions include euthanasia, organ donation and paediatric dilemmas.

Manchester's Scoring System

Interviewers have set criteria upon which to mark prospective applicants, however the decision as to who receives an offer is made after the interview.

How to answer "Why do you want to study Medicine at the University of Manchester?" in an interview

To give a concise and comprehensive answer to this question at your interview, there are three essential elements your answer needs to have :

    1. Specific knowledge about the school, programme, place
    2. Why the elements you mentioned are attractive to you
    3. Evidence that you have made an effort to research the school and programme

Point 2 and 3 above are essential to deliver a strong answer that is personal to you. In this section, we will help you brainstorm point 1 to help you get started in preparing your answer.

What is unique about the course at Manchester?

The University of Manchester is home to one of the largest medical schools in the UK, with an international reputation for the excellent quality of education. Manchester has a focus on small group case discussions, alongside lectures, practical classes and clinical placements from year 1. Anatomy is taught by dissection, and assessment is through written examinations, OSCEs and portfolio work. Students have the opportunity to complete intercalation.

What is unique about Manchester and its Medical School?

The first two years are mainly taught on the Oxford Road Campus, and students then move to Health Education Zones, with placements in Manchester, Preston and beyond. The University itself was founded in 1824 and has 40,000 students, making it the third-largest university in the UK. It is a Russell Group University, with 25 Nobel laureates amongst its extensive alumni base. It has an international education and research reputation, and currently attracts students from 160 countries.

Why else would people choose Manchester Medical School?

Manchester is one of the largest cities in the United Kingdom and has an excellent reputation for its rich cultural diversity and entertainment opportunities. Home to two of the largest international football teams and in close proximity to the stunning British countryside, Manchester University students have a diverse and rich experience. This is important due to the strong non-academic focus of the Manchester medical school application. Some students may be placed outside of the city for the clinical course.

Manchester Interview Experiences

"There were 6 minutes per station and 2 minutes between each question. The style was conversational with follow up questions. I could not speak for more than 3 or 4 minutes without interruption."

Medicine Interviewee, 11th Feb 2022

"There were 2 interviewers per station: A student and healthcare worker. The student seemed focused on timing & the healthcare worker asked questions. They were smiling and friendly."

Medicine Interviewee, 11th Feb 2022

"I found the calculation to do in a roleplay difficult and unexpected as I had already done the calculation test. I struggled to note all the numbers I needed to complete it."

Medicine Interviewee, 11th Feb 2022

Our Top Manchester Interview Tips

Manchester Interview Tip #1

Keep it personal

Remember your non-academic information form

The interview is not a test of your academic knowledge, and the website explicitly states that the aim of the interview is to assess the values and behaviours of a medical student. Every student invited to the Manchester interview will have already fulfilled the academic entry requirements, so you need to prove yourself above the other candidates and demonstrate commitment and the necessary skills to succeed in the medical profession. Read the GMC's 'Good Medical Practice' and ensure you are familiar with the values outlined in the NHS constitution.

Manchester Interview Tip #2

Ensure you remain relaxed

The interview is a formal, friendly process.

Students are encouraged to talk naturally about themselves and their experiences. Manchester University is looking for well-rounded individuals who will fit into their medical course. The interview process is more of a discussion to find out more about you and what makes you special. The more you relax and open yourself up to the interviewer, the stronger your performance will be. The way you communicate and come across is essential.

Manchester Interview Tip #3

Brush up on your medical ethics

You should expect to engage in ethical debates

Parts of the interview may discuss ethical issues raised by the interviewers, with the aim of assessing your ability to coherently summarise issues at stake. There may be no right or wrong answers, but as long as you can consider the ethical pillars and give a reasoned argument, your interviewer will be impressed. If you are stuck with considering ethical scenarios, take a look at our interview course which covers the four principles of medical ethics and the common questions that arise.

Pippa Morris, FY1 Doctor at Royal Bournemouth Hospital and University of Cambridge medicine graduate.

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