
When do most medical school interview invites go out? 2019-2020

When do most medical school interview invites go out? 2019-2020

Rachel Vernazza
2 minute read

The weeks beyond the October 15th deadline can be daunting for all of you med school applicants. You have likely spent what seems like ages drafting and then redrafting your personal statement and preparing for the UCAT (UKCAT). But, after all of your hard work for the application process so far, how do you know when to begin your interview preparation? Well, here at theMSAG we’ve contacted all UK medical school admissions committees. We have directly asked them when they will start sending their medical school interview invitations and when their 2019/20 interviews will be held. Take a look in our table below to tailor your interview preparation timeline to the schools you’ve applied to.


TIP: If you're on a computer, press Control+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac) to find your school instantly! 


What's next - medical school interview courses to help you prepare

As you can see, most medical schools don’t stop interviewing until early January and February, though still a significant number will still be interviewing up until the spring. Once you do receive your interview invitation, by email typically, your medical school of choice will indicate whether there are any further requirements on their side prior to attending the interview, such as a secondary application, though that is used by very few universities nowadays. 

So now that you know when you might receive your invite for an interview, what's next? Start preparing for those interviews - you will be amazed how quickly they come around! A great place to start is by attending our Medical School Interview Course, which is a full-day interactive training on what kind of interview questions you can expect and how to approach them, coupled with plenty of practice on standard questions, as well as special MMI stations, and individualised feedback.

We hope that the information in this blog post has been helpful and you now know what to expect in terms of the interview invitations timeline. Now you can spend less time checking your email inbox and more time preparing for your interviews. If you still have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Good luck with your interview preparation!

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